10 Things You Need To Trash Before Moving In Together

4 min read

Moving in together is an exciting milestone in any relationship. It’s a significant step that signifies commitment and a shared future. However, when two individuals decide to merge their lives and belongings, it can also lead to conflicts and challenges. To ensure a smooth transition and a harmonious living arrangement, it’s crucial to declutter and eliminate unnecessary items before moving in together. In this article, we will explore the ten things you need to trash before taking this big step.

1. Duplicate Kitchen Appliances and Utensils

Combining households often means combining kitchenware. Before moving in, take stock of your kitchen appliances and utensils. Discard duplicates and keep only the essentials. Do you really need two toasters or three sets of measuring cups? Reducing clutter in the kitchen will not only free up space but also make it easier to organize and maintain cleanliness.

2. Unworn or Ill-Fitting Clothing

We all have clothes in our closets that we never wear or that no longer fit us properly. Moving in together is an excellent opportunity to declutter your wardrobe. Donate or sell items that you no longer wear or that don’t fit you well. This process will not only help you create space in your new shared closet but also give you a fresh start in terms of fashion choices.

3. Outdated Electronics

Old electronics can take up valuable space and become an eyesore. Before moving in together, assess your collection of outdated electronics. Dispose of broken or obsolete devices responsibly. Consider donating functional electronics that you no longer use to a local charity or recycling center. This step will not only declutter your living space but also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

4. Excessive Paperwork

Paper clutter can quickly accumulate and create chaos in your new home. Take the time to sort through your paperwork and discard unnecessary documents. Shred old bills, bank statements, and receipts that are no longer relevant. Consider going paperless for bills and important documents to minimize future clutter.

5. Expired Medications and Toiletries

Before moving in together, empty your medicine cabinet and dispose of expired medications and toiletries. Keeping expired or unused medications can be dangerous, while outdated toiletries can take up valuable space. Safely dispose of medications by following local guidelines or drop them off at a designated disposal site. Streamline your toiletries to only the essentials.

6. Broken or Irreparable Items

We all have a few broken items lying around that we never got around to fixing. Moving in together is an excellent opportunity to let go of these items. Be realistic about what can be repaired and what cannot. Holding onto broken or irreparable items only adds to the clutter and can prevent you from fully embracing your new shared space.

7. Excessive Furniture

Combining households often means having more furniture than necessary. Take stock of your furniture items and identify any duplicates or pieces that no longer fit the aesthetic of your new home. Sell or donate furniture that is in good condition but is not needed in your shared space. This step will not only declutter your new home but also give you the chance to curate a cohesive and visually appealing living environment.

8. Sentimental Items That No Longer Serve You

Sentimental items can be challenging to let go of, but moving in together often requires compromise and prioritization. Assess your sentimental belongings and ask yourself if they truly enhance your life or if they are simply taking up space. Consider taking pictures of sentimental items before letting them go to preserve the memories without the physical clutter.

9. Unused Fitness Equipment

If you have exercise equipment gathering dust in your home, it’s time to evaluate its usefulness. If you haven’t used it in months or years, chances are you won’t be using it in your new shared space either. Sell or donate unused fitness equipment to free up space and potentially earn some extra cash.

10. Excess Books and Magazines

Books and magazines can quickly accumulate and take up valuable shelf space. Before moving in together, go through your book collection and be honest about which ones you are likely to read or reference again. Donate books that you no longer need, and consider investing in e-books or audiobooks to minimize future clutter.


Moving in together is an exciting and transformative experience, but it also requires careful consideration and preparation. By decluttering and discarding unnecessary items before merging households, you can create a harmonious living space that is free from clutter and promotes a sense of calm and organization. Remember, it’s not just about physical belongings; it’s also about cultivating a mindset of simplicity and minimalism. By letting go of what no longer serves you, you make room for new experiences and a shared future.

FAQs After The Conclusion

1. How do I decide what to keep and what to discard?

The decision-making process can be challenging, but a helpful approach is to ask yourself whether an item enhances your life or brings you joy. If it doesn’t, it may be time to let it go.

2. Can I sell the items I no longer need?

Absolutely! Selling items that are in good condition can not only help you declutter but also earn you some extra cash. Online marketplaces and garage sales are great options for selling unwanted items.

3. What should I do with sentimental items that I can’t bear to part with?

If you have sentimental items that you can’t let go of, consider finding creative ways to display or store them. Shadow boxes, memory albums, or even dedicated storage containers can help preserve the memories without cluttering your living space.

4. How can I prevent future clutter after moving in together?

To prevent future clutter, establish a system for regularly decluttering and organizing your shared space. Set aside time every few months to reassess your belongings and discard items that are no longer needed or used.

5. What if my partner has difficulty letting go of belongings?

Respectful communication is key when it comes to navigating differing opinions on decluttering. Help your partner understand the benefits of a clutter-free space and work together to find compromises. Remember, moving in together is about creating a harmonious living environment for both of you.


Moving in together is an exciting step in any relationship, but it requires careful consideration and preparation. Decluttering and eliminating unnecessary items before merging households can contribute to a harmonious living space. By getting rid of duplicate kitchen appliances, unworn clothing, outdated electronics, excessive paperwork, expired medications, broken items, excessive furniture, sentimental items, unused fitness equipment, and excess books, you can create a clutter-free environment that promotes harmony and organization. Remember, moving in together is not just about physical belongings; it’s also about cultivating a mindset of simplicity and minimalism. By letting go of what no longer serves you, you make room for new experiences and a shared future.

Related video of 10 Things You Need To Trash Before Moving In Together

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