Here’s What Your Home Will Look Like In 2025, According To IKEA

5 min read


As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, our homes are becoming smarter and more connected than ever before. IKEA, the Swedish furniture giant, has always been at the forefront of innovation, and they have recently shared their vision for what our homes will look like in 2025. In this article, we will explore the exciting possibilities that lie ahead and how IKEA plans to shape the future of our living spaces.

The Rise of Smart Homes

In recent years, smart home technology has gained significant popularity, transforming the way we interact with our living spaces. According to IKEA, by 2025, smart homes will be the norm rather than the exception. From lighting and heating to security systems and appliances, everything will be seamlessly connected and can be controlled with a simple voice command or through a smartphone app.

Imagine waking up in the morning and saying, “Good morning” to your home. Instantly, the curtains open, the lights turn on, and your favorite music starts playing. As you make your way to the kitchen, the coffee machine has already brewed a fresh cup of coffee, precisely to your liking. This level of convenience and automation will revolutionize our daily routines.

Personalization and Customization

IKEA believes that personalization and customization will be key features of future homes. With advancements in technology, it will be possible to create living spaces that truly reflect our individual tastes and needs. IKEA plans to introduce modular furniture systems that can be easily customized and adapted to fit any space.

For example, imagine a sofa that can change its configuration to accommodate different seating arrangements or a dining table that can extend or shrink based on the number of guests. These modular solutions will allow homeowners to continually update and redesign their spaces without the need for extensive renovations.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

In line with the global push for sustainability, IKEA envisions homes in 2025 to be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, will be integrated into the design of homes, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy and lowering carbon footprints.

Furthermore, IKEA plans to introduce smart home systems that optimize energy usage. For example, lights and appliances will automatically adjust their settings based on occupancy and natural light levels, minimizing energy wastage. By making sustainable choices more accessible and affordable, IKEA aims to foster a greener future for our homes.

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a significant role in shaping the homes of the future. IKEA predicts that AI-powered assistants will become an integral part of our daily lives, helping us manage and control our homes more efficiently. These virtual assistants will learn our preferences and habits, allowing them to anticipate our needs and provide personalized recommendations.

For instance, imagine an AI assistant that can suggest recipes based on the ingredients in your fridge or remind you to water your plants when the soil moisture level is low. These AI-powered systems will not only make our lives more convenient but also help us save time and make smarter decisions.

Integration of Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) has already made its way into the world of interior design, allowing users to visualize furniture and decor in their own homes before making a purchase. IKEA plans to take AR a step further by integrating it into the overall home design process.

In the future, homeowners will be able to use AR technology to virtually try out different furniture layouts, experiment with colors and materials, and even simulate the effects of natural light at different times of the day. This will enable people to make more informed decisions when designing their living spaces, reducing the risk of costly mistakes and ensuring that the end result is exactly as envisioned.

Enhanced Connectivity and Multi-functionality

In the homes of 2025, connectivity will extend beyond just smart devices. IKEA envisions a future where furniture itself becomes connected, allowing for seamless integration and multi-functionality. For example, tables could have built-in wireless charging pads for smartphones, or mirrors could display personalized information such as the weather forecast or upcoming calendar events.

Additionally, IKEA plans to introduce furniture that adapts to our changing needs throughout the day. For instance, a desk could transform into a bed when it’s time to rest, or a coffee table could expand into a dining table for entertaining guests. These innovative solutions will maximize the functionality of our living spaces, especially in smaller homes or apartments where every square meter counts.

The Future of Retail

As the way we shop continues to evolve, IKEA anticipates significant changes in the retail experience. In the future, physical stores will become more immersive and interactive, offering customers the opportunity to experience products in a more engaging way.

IKEA plans to incorporate virtual reality (VR) and AR into their stores, allowing customers to virtually walk through different room setups and visualize how furniture and decor would look in their own homes. This will enhance the shopping experience and make it easier for customers to make informed decisions.

Furthermore, IKEA aims to leverage data and AI to provide personalized recommendations and suggestions to customers. By analyzing shopping habits and preferences, they can offer tailored product recommendations, helping customers find exactly what they need more efficiently.


The future of our homes is set to be exciting and transformative, with technology playing a central role in creating smarter, more sustainable, and personalized living spaces. IKEA’s vision for 2025 offers valuable insights into the possibilities that lie ahead, from smart home automation and customization to sustainability and the integration of AI and AR.

As we look forward to the homes of tomorrow, it is clear that technology will continue to shape the way we live, work, and interact with our surroundings. IKEA’s commitment to innovation ensures that they will be at the forefront of these advancements, constantly pushing the boundaries to create homes that are not only functional but also beautiful, sustainable, and connected.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • 1. Will smart homes be affordable for the average homeowner?

    Yes, IKEA aims to make smart home technology accessible and affordable for everyone. They believe that technology should not be limited to the wealthy and are working towards offering affordable solutions that can be easily integrated into existing homes.

  • 2. How will IKEA ensure the security and privacy of smart homes?

    IKEA understands the importance of security and privacy in smart homes. They are committed to implementing robust security measures and partnering with trusted technology providers to ensure that personal data is protected. User consent and control over data sharing will also be prioritized.

  • 3. What steps is IKEA taking towards sustainability?

    IKEA has set ambitious sustainability goals, including becoming climate positive by 2030. They are investing in renewable energy, promoting energy-efficient products, and exploring circular business models. By offering sustainable home solutions, IKEA aims to inspire and enable customers to live more sustainably.

  • 4. How will AI-powered assistants learn our preferences and habits?

    AI-powered assistants will collect data on our interactions with smart home devices and analyze patterns to learn our preferences and habits. This data will be securely stored and used to provide personalized recommendations and automate routine tasks, making our lives more convenient.

  • 5. What will the future of interior design look like?

    In the future, interior design will be more accessible and interactive. Augmented Reality will allow homeowners to visualize and experiment with different designs before making decisions. Additionally, AI-powered tools will provide design recommendations based on individual preferences, making it easier to create spaces that reflect our unique tastes.


The future of homes, as envisioned by IKEA, is one that embraces smart technology, personalization, and sustainability. By 2025, our homes will be seamlessly connected, allowing us to control everything from lighting to appliances with a simple voice command or smartphone app. Modular furniture systems will make customization and adaptation effortless, while sustainable practices such as renewable energy integration and energy optimization will reduce our environmental impact. AI-powered assistants will learn our preferences and provide personalized recommendations, and augmented reality will revolutionize the way we design and visualize our living spaces. With enhanced connectivity and multi-functionality, furniture will become an integral part of the smart home ecosystem. The retail experience will also evolve, with IKEA leveraging virtual reality and AI to create immersive and personalized shopping experiences. As we look ahead to the homes of tomorrow, it is clear that technology will continue to shape our living spaces, making them smarter, more sustainable, and more reflective of our individual needs and preferences.

Related video of Here’s What Your Home Will Look Like In 2025, According To IKEA

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